You will need a Stellar Wallet to hold retrocoin.
To hold a Stellar wallet you will also need some Lumens.
A quick and easy way to purchase retrocoin with an investment of $35 is via lobstr .
Please seek financial advice before purchasing any crypto currency and also at the moment I would recommend for all casual users the entry amount of $35 is about right.
Why $35 you ask? Well if you have lumens already and a crypto wallet you can grab a cup of coffee worth of retrocoin and all is good.
Lobstr requires a minimum deposit of $30 to get $30 worth of lumens, they don’t do this for free and a charge of $5 approx. is added and then you have the Lumens in your account.
You then will have lovely Lumens in your wallet so now its time to add the retrocoin asset.
You will add this asset into your wallet by searching for retrocoin or . You will see the retrocoin logo.
Once you have added the asset then you can go and get some retrocoin from the trade centre within lobstr or just by adding the asset you can also receive direct retrocoin from any of the groups or other channels without the need to purchase any.
Please do not buy retrocoin with any funds that you would not be happy to purchase a download for or tip other retro users.
Alternative way is to purchase retrocoin direct.
You can do this from the shop